Get it on the page

Turning your story into a physical object helps you work with it.

There is value in putting your story on the page.

When it’s in our head, it might be too large and too complex for us to manage it all. Outlines, character sheets, and other prep work can help. But better yet, turn it into a physical form

A physical form (whether on paper or as a digital file) lets us work with it. We can cut it up, shift it around, add or delete. When it’s tangible, we can manipulate it however we want.

But it also shows us whether the story in our head can genuinely work. Often the foundations are shaky, and it only takes a bit of writing to reveal that it will quickly collapse.

This is a good thing.

It keeps us from chasing after something for months (or years) in our heads and allows us to fix it or let it go.

So don’t be scared to put it on the page. It is the quickest path to making it real.

But also, if you are avoiding it, ask yourself why? Is it because you don’t think it’s ready, or that you know it won’t work as soon as you try?