Film 210: Introduction to Screenwriting

This is your homepage for all things related to the class.

  • This is it! Lesson 13 is up. It’s a long one—and only for those who are going into screenwriting or film production. If you don’t want to watch, you can skip to 34 mins 30 secs to watch the assignment.
  • Your final script can be sent directly to me. You don't need to share it with your group, but you can, if you want.
  • Remember that you can change your final script from your outline or one-page. It isn't set in stone. You can change it or start fresh.
  • No more group feedback!
  • You still have one more reflection.

Remaining deadlines

    • Saturday, Dec 2: Personal reflection for Assignment 12 due.
    • Sunday, Dec 3: Assignment 13 (Final script) is due at 12 p.m. midnight (Saskatchewan time). ‼️ Send it to me on Discord. Don't be late.
    • Tuesday, Dec. 5: No feedback due. End of Classes. No final exam.
    • Thursday, Dec. 21: End of Term

Thank you

  • Thank you for being in the class. It was a lot of writing, a lot of assignments, and a lot of deadlines, and you should be proud of the work you did.
  • Thank you to Jana for being a great TA. They cared a lot about your writing and your stories and were always engaged with the Discord and answering your questions. Thank you thank you thank you!
  • Thank you to everyone who scheduled meetings with me. I appreciated the visits and helping you with your writing. (PS - You have one more week of reflection, so maybe schedule a meeting.)
  • Please please please keep writing—whether it is screenplays, novels, short stories, or whatever else inspires you. Your stories were wonderful and Jana and I loved seeing what you did with them each week.
  • ONE MORE THING - I intend to keep the website up for a while, so if you need it as a resource, it should be still around for you.

Previous Announcements

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Fall Break (October 9–15)